Vendor Registration Vendor Registration Form Account Details Email address * Password * Anti-spam First Name * Last Name * Business Information Business Name * Logo/Profile Picture (.jpg/.png files only) * Cover Photo (.jpg or .png files only. 1200 pixels wide and 400 pixels tall is ideal. Facebook cover works great for this!) Please provide a description of your business * Business Phone Number * Cell Phone Number * Opt-in to receive order notifications via text (Highly recommended!) Country * Select a country… United States (US) Address 1 * City * State * Home-based business (hide address on front end) Zipcode * Are you a member of the Fairfield-Suisun Chamber of Commerce? * Yes No Are you a member of another local Chamber of Commerce? * Are you a member of the Valley Strong Credit Union * Yes No Website Address (if you have one) What's your website built with? Facebook Link (or other social media page) Terms of Use I agree to the Terms of Use to sell on the marketplace * Register